Photo taken by Ibrar Khan (From left to right: Sameera Ali - Regional Councillor Milton Gordon Krantz - Mayor Milton Parm Gill - MPP Milton Brian Penman - Chair of Milton District Hospital Foundation Khalid Rasheed - MPP Mississauga Tahir Ahmed, National President Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization Safi Rajput, Regional President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Zeeshan Shahid, Regional President, Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization Mehshan Javed, Race Director, Run For Milton Abdul Hai, Imam Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Milton.)
The Milton District Hospital Foundation (MDHF) received a check from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization on February 7th!
Through the yearly Run for Milton event, money was raised for the check.
Every year, it takes place in Milton in front of the Mattamy National Cycle Centre, close to Tremaine Road.
The $100,000 donation spans ten years and includes the $30,000 donation.
You can learn more about Run for Milton here.
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